If you have some questionable smells in your house I bet you are in desperate need of some smell hacks. Bad smells can come from anywhere, like the carpets, drains or garbage disposal. But don’t worry – there are easy and effective ways you can combat these smells for a great smelling home.
Here I have some great smell hacks you can try to get rid of any unwanted smells in your home.
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Carpet Deodorizing Powder
Found from One Good Thing
First things first – carpets. Carpets are good at attracting all kinds of icky smells, especially if you have pets. A deodorizing powder works by absorbing all of the unwanted smells, leaving you with clean smelling carpets. Simply sprinkle the powder on your carpet and let it sit for about 20 minutes before you vacuum it up.
Citrus-Rosemary Garbage-Disposal Cubes
Found from Popsugar
A garbage disposal can smell bad pretty quick. Next time you are enjoying oranges or using lemons or limes, don’t throw away their peels and rinds. You can use them for these easy DIY garbage disposal cleaning cubes.
Simply take your citrus rinds and some rosemary and chop them up. The chopped up pieces are then placed in an ice cube tray, filled with vinegar and then placed in the freezer. If your garbage disposal starts smelling bad, toss in one of the cubes and turn the disposal on.
Air Purifying Plants
Indoor plants are a great addition to any home. They are known to increase your mood and productivity, help clean the air, plus they look great!
If you don’t have a green thumb get a plant that is hard to kill like a spider plant. Other types of air purifying plants include Dracaenas, Peace Lilies, and Aloe Vera.
Simmering Potpourri
From Mother Thyme
By simmering a potpourri on your stove top you can make your entire home smell fantastic. Create a relaxing and fresh smell of lemon, rosemary, cinnamon, and vanilla.
Make Your Closet Smell Amazing
If your closet smells bad it can make your clothes smell bad, and we don’t want that. Place fresh coffee grounds in a little container and place it on the floor of your closet. This will help to absorb any odors and will leave your closet smelling great. Be sure to replace the grounds about every month.
Another great hack for a fresh smelling closet is placing lavender in a little cotton bag and leaving it in your closet.
Get Rid Of Fridge Stink
Being assaulted with that stinky smell when you open the fridge is not fun. You know the one I’m talking about. You can easily get rid of that smell using things that absorbs the odor.
One way is to place a bowl of new and fresh baking soda in the back of the fridge and leaving it there to do the work.
Another great hack is placing plain uncooked oats in a bowl, in the fridge. Be sure to chuck it when its done absorbing all of the gross smells.
DIY Fabric Spray
Found from Live Simply
A fabric spray is an excellent way to refresh your linen. This fabric spray only requires 3 basic ingredients to make, and it couldn’t be any easier.
You can easily get a glass spray bottle that works great with essential oils here.
Gel Air Fresheners
Found from One Good Thing
Not only are these gel air fresheners great for making your home smell good,they also make great gifts! You can get creative and add fun colors and silk flowers.
Use Fabric Softener
Simmer fabric softener to get that fresh and clean smell throughout your entire house. In a pot use 1 capful of softener for every 2 capfuls of water and let it simmer on a low heat setting. The scent will travel through your house and make it smell wonderful.
Use Dryer Sheets Throughout Your Home
Dryer sheets can be used in more places than just your laundry room. Since they smell so fresh and clean you can tuck some under your mattress and behind the couch cushions. You can also use them for cleaning, like wiping your baseboards with them.
These smell hacks are great for making your home smell amazing, but you should always try to eliminate the odors instead of just masking them. Some of the things that can make your home smell not so great include cat litter, mildewy towels, and carpets.
Make sure you take care of the problem head-on and then use these smell hacks to further make your home smell fantastic.